About me that your didn't know

Foto saya
Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia
♥ " I'm genuine a happy person - there's no reason not to be " ♥ " I'm don't give away my heart too easily - but when you get hurt , it's tought" ♥ " I don't want to persue anyone at all - I want someone to pursue me" ♥ " I'm not crazy worrier" ♥ " I'm not a jealous or dramatic person" ♥ " I'm not the girl who always has a boyfriend. I'm the girl who rarely has a boyfriend

Jumaat, 30 Disember 2011

Will shoot my head klu always have tekanan .. aiyaaa ~ ... mati lor ~

I dont knw ...

  " In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."

Happy New Year 2012

“I know. I'm lazy. But I made myself a New Year’s resolution that I would write myself something really special. Which means I have 'til December, right?”

Khamis, 29 Disember 2011

Costume sia (Kadazan Penampang) . . .

The Penampang Kadazan traditional costume, with gold trimmings (siling ) on black velvet, is simple yet elegant. The sleeveless blouse called sinuangga, worn only by young unmarried ladies, and the full length sarong (tapi ) are carefully designed so that the costume becomes peculiar only to the Penampang district.

Thirty or more gold buttons are sewn in a double row on the sinuangga and are called bamban labuan because in the olden days only the Bajau living on the island of Labuan knew how to make these particular gold buttons.

This costume is worn with the blouse tucked into the sarong. Then several rows of silver coin and brass ring belts must complete the outfit. These belts are collectively called himpogot and are usually antique family heirlooms which a mother hands down to her daughters.

The coin belt (tinggot ) is made from silver dollar coins of the early 20th Century. A single row nowadays will fetch at least M$1,500. For the Kadazan costume, usually three of these belts are worn.

Broken gongs are melted down and turned into small brass rings which are looped through thin strips of rattan to make a belt (tangkong ). Sometimes a kind of sea shell, cut to from a ring called husau, is slipped in with the brass rings. The Kadazan believe that if a sick person were to drink water into which the husau been dipped, that person will be cured.

Like the coin belts, three pieces of tangkong are worn with the costume. Altogether the himpogot can cost more than M$6,000 but for the Kadazan woman it is quite priceless. Gold jewellery such as bangles (gohong ), necklace (hamai ), earrings (simbong ), ring (sinsing ) and brooch (pawn ) are also worn.

While the unmarried Kadazan female wears the sinuangga, the middle-aged ladies wear a short sleeved blouse called sinompukung . The long sleeved kihongon is worn by more senior ladies and the bobohizan or ritual specialist.

omg !!! IMSOMNIA . . .

"Insomnia is a gross feeder. It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking, including thinking about not thinking"

Nasib sia punya mata tia jadi lil' PANDA o .. bidanya la tu klu ada .. ee .. kin geli2 tau ..

i got u "Dance" Alexandra...

You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Playing sweet,
Make me move like a freak,
Mr. Saxo Beat.

He makes me this,
Brings me up,
Brings me down,
Dancing sweet,
Makes me move like a freak,
Mr. Saxo Beat.

Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Playing sweet,
Make me move like a freak,
Mr. Saxo Beat.

He makes me this,
Brings me up,
Brings me down,
Dancing sweet,
Makes me move like a freak,
Mr. Saxo Beat.

Oh, Oh, Oh, yeah, mmm yeah
Oh, Oh, yeah, mmm yeah
Oh, yeah, mmm yeah
Oh, Oh, yeah, mmm yeah

Hey, sexy boy, set me free,
Don't be so shy, play with me,
My dirty boy, can't you see
That you belong next to me.

Hey, sexy boy, set me free,
Don't be so shy, play with me,
My dirty boy, can't you see
You are the one I need.

You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
theresweet Make me move like a freak,
Mr. Saxo Beat.
He makes me this,
Brings me up,
Brings me down,
Dancing sweet,
Makes me move like a freak,
Mr. Saxo Beat.

Oh, Oh, Oh, yeah, mmm yeah
Oh, Oh, yeah, mmm yeah
Oh, yeah, mmm yeah
Oh, Oh, yeah, mmm yeah....

You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down,
Playing sweet,
Make me move like a freak,
Mr. Saxo Beat.

He makes me this,
Brings me up,
Brings me down,
Dancing sweet,
Makes me move like a freak,
Mr. Saxo Beat.

You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down...
Mr. Saxo Beat.

You make me this,
Bring me up,
Bring me down...
Mr. Saxo Beat.

Isnin, 26 Disember 2011

Borneo Kellybay's

Br blik from Kellybay's Borneo... memancing wif my family .. huh .. teda sia dpt ikan o ... silaka .. ! haha ...
Bah sapa berminat mo p cni bcuti dgn family, honeymoon ka .. haha .. ..ada Resort ni cni .. mcm2 aktiviti buli buat .. for more information buli p web dia
http://www.kellybays.com/ .. Happy Holidayx.....Cherrrsss~

Ahad, 25 Disember 2011

Merry Christmas 2011 ...


Wish you all A Merry Christmas, May the Joys of the season Fill your heart with goodwill and cheer. May the chimes of Christmas glory Add up more shine and spread Smiles across the miles, To-day & In the New Year ...

HAH!!! ni Heat 3 smuanya championte . . . dari kanan .. ROBECCA , NANA ,EVELYN ,EVA ,PATHLYN , CHYNTA ,MUI TING , LYA ,N PACHARA . . .

My End of the Year 2011

*Magma Queen Of the Year 2011*

Ngeeeeeeee ~.. ni 2nd Heat...Dari kanan MAY(Miss Popular 2nd Heat) , ANGELA (Miss Popular 2nd Heat jg) ,FINA , SASY , BETTY , AINE , TASHA.....
Gegurlx... miss u all so much ..

My End of the Year 2011

1st Heat .... Dr kanan ..BELLA , WINNIE G , PREZ , ABBY , LAIZAH , EKA ,TSING YE and AMY (Miss Popular 1st Heat) ........